During the next two weeks there will be a series of talks for the appointment of three tenure track positions. The talks will consist of two parts: A first talk that should be representative of the teaching of the candidate and should be understandable for anyone in their last year of their bachelor studies, and a second talk about their research. This is an opportunity to meet people in the mathematical community, shape the future of our faculty and hear interesting talks!
In the schedule below, click on the title of a talk to read its abstract at the faculty's homepage. Unfortunately, the Zoom links that originally had also been posted there were removed - apologies to all who couldn't join a talk on financial math they wanted to hear. For all future talks, the links are provided next to the speaker's name - if a link doesn't work, contact josef.eberhard.greilhuber@univie.ac.at
In the schedule below, click on the title of a talk to read its abstract at the faculty's homepage. Unfortunately, the Zoom links that originally had also been posted there were removed - apologies to all who couldn't join a talk on financial math they wanted to hear. For all future talks, the links are provided next to the speaker's name - if a link doesn't work, contact josef.eberhard.greilhuber@univie.ac.at
Tenure Track position “Mathematical Finance”
Mittwoch, 17. Juni
Julio Backhoff-Veraguas (University of Twente)
09:30 - 09:50 Pricing and the emergence of martingales
Paul Eisenberg (University of Liverpool)
14:00 - 14:20 Discrete time fundamental theorem of asset pricing
14:50 - 15:35 Density and Occupation Bounds for Diffusions
Donnerstag, 18. Juni
Larisa Yaroslavtseva (Universität Ulm)
09:30 - 09:50 The Borel-Cantelli lemma
Martin Herdegen (University of Warwick) - Zoom link to both talks
14:00 - 14:20 An introduction to equilibrium asset pricing
14:50 - 15:35 Equilibrium asset pricing with transaction costs
Tenure Track position “Harmonic Analysis and its Applications”
Freitag, 19. Juni
Rima Alaifari (ETH Zürich) - Zoom link to both talks
09:00 - 09:20 Quadraturverfahren optimaler Ordnung
09:50 - 10:35 Inverse problems in applied harmonic analysis
Jose Luis Romero (Universität Wien) - Zoom link to both talks
13:30 - 13:50 The Shannon sampling theorem
Montag, 22. Juni
Felix Voigtlaender (Universität Wien) - Zoom link to both talks
09:00 - 09:20 Gabor-Orthonormalbasen und der Satz von Balian-Low
Claire Burrin (Rutgers University) - Zoom link to both talks
14:20 - 15:05 Discrete lattice orbits in the plane
Dienstag, 23. Juni
Pavel Zorin-Kranich (Universität Bonn) - Zoom link to both talks
09:00 - 09:20 Residuensatz
09:50 - 10:35 Fourier decoupling
Gong Chen (University of Toronto) - Zoom link to both talks
13:30 - 13:50 Introduction to limits of functions
14:20 - 15:05 Long-time dynamics of the modified KdV equation
Tenure Track position “Mathematics in Tomography”
Mittwoch, 24. Juni
Peter Elbau (Universität Wien) - Zoom link to both talks
Rima Alaifari (ETH Zürich) - Zoom link to both talks
10:45 - 11:05 Quadraturverfahren optimaler Ordnung
11:35 - 12:20 Imaging from limited data
Tobias Kluth (Universität Bremen) - Zoom link to both talks
15:00 - 15:20 Gauß-Quadratur - Approximationseigenschaft
Donnerstag, 25. Juni
Anne Wald (Universität des Saarlandes) - Zoom link to both talks
8:50 - 9:35 Tomographic imaging in medicine and engineering
Olha Ivanyshyn Yaman (Izmir Institute of Technology) - Zoom link to both talks
10:45 - 11:05 Trapezoidal rule
Christina Brandt (Universität Hamburg) - Zoom link to both talks
15:00 - 15:20 Die Monte-Carlo Methode für numerische Integration
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